Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Yes Man Blog

What am I doing? Well - I saw the Yes Man last night (yeah, yeah - I rented it on DVD... I don't get out to actual movies much.)

It was a really intriging movie. I know that there is a book by Danny Wallace called The Yes Man, that chronicles his life after a year of saying yes.

But, what if a more "relaxed" approach was taken?

Today, I decided I would try to say yes more. Here were my experiences:

We went shopping for soccer shoes and softball shoes. We ended up getting new backpacks and new lunchboxes (which the kids didn't really "NEED." But, going back to school is so much better with a new backpack and lunchbox.)

I said yes to my kids when they asked to go to Starbucks. (no caffeine for them.) Always a nice treat.

I went and played catch with my eight year old son. I neither throw nor catch very well - and it was after we went out to dinner - in which I had a long island iced tea. ANYWAY, I found out that my son is a hell of a pitcher. He can throw strike after strike after strike. However, he throws hard and fast. Unfortunately, one ball bounced off my glove and hit me in the face - hard... And I had sunglasses on. I'm not sporting a pretty little gash on the bridge of my nose.

I also played rock band with Hubby and my 10 year old daughter. I usually say no, but I said yes... I sang, and Hubby let me choose the songs. It was fun... It was certainly better than sitting at my computer playing bejeweled by myself.

So - what will tomorrow bring? I don't know - but I hope it doesn't have anything to do with getting hit in the face with a baseball.

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